Supplies used:
Matte acrylic paint
(orange, black, and light purple)
Here is the link to the design for the toddler sign! (make a copy to edit)
You can also use a craft laser or scroll saw and cut out letters like I did with the bigger one, use vinyl on a cricut or silhouette, or use a paint pen and hand write!
My Michael's had tons blank signs marked down for $2 and $3 on clearance but I'm not seeing them online.
Tips for doing multiple feet prints on one sign:
-Start with biggest feet in a light color, then do a dark color, then a light, alternating through the feet sizes.
-have them sit on the floor and use a sponge brush to dab paint onto their feet
-help them stand up on one foot and with the sign on the ground let them stand on it on one foot and slowly lift foot up.
-use blowdryer in between kids to dry each layer
-if you need to touch up any areas do it with your finger, nobody will be able to tell!
We used the 12x12 sign for the multiple feet and my oldest wears a size 1
We used an 8x8 sign for the toddler one and she's a size 6 which was almost too big!
If you download the design I made in canva it's pretty much templated for the 8x8 sign but just hold it in the sign before you take the back off and trim it to fit.
<3 Jordan