Shelf desk materials:
You can find everything I used to make the desk HERE on my Lowe's Storefront!
*I did round and cut the corners off my panel with a jigsaw, not necessary but gives it a cleaner look and less sharp edges for littles.
Chairs are linked HERE
Wall organizers:
Fun, squiggle scissor pack linked here
Kid-friendly hot glue gun linked here (parent supervision recommended)
How to make the shelf desk:
Use stud finder, level, and tape measure to determine height and position. I made ours 30" tall from the floor.
If not securing brackets to studs you'll need heavy duty (75lbs) drywall anchors
Put in your first anchor and screw first then make a mark where the other 2 anchors and screws will go once that first one is in. Just move the bracket over a bit to put those in the wall.
Once both brackets are secured to the wall and level, add top
I sanded my down with a 220 grit after trimming the front two corners off with a jigsaw to make it more kid friendly. Sand all edges well, then clean off dust, stain, and add 3 to 4 coats of polycrylic with a light 320 sand (by hand) in between
screw in top from the bottom of the bracket with 3/4 inch screws. You may need washers to keep the head of the screw from going through the bracket hole.
check to make sure wood panel is level